Wednesday, October 24, 2012


The Winds

After talking about my work this past weekend with Chris Vesper of the Sundance Channel (and resident stud Ben Robbins) and then watching the presidential debate last night, I'm more than ready to serve up another brilliant metaphor. Brace yourselves.

I'm feeling a new form of energy.

Is it sustainable? It fucking better be. Is it renewable? If there's coffee. It seems to depend on what kind of momentum I tap into each morning. Is this reinvigoration partly because I've spent much of my time here thinking, and now I need to generate? Absolutely.

It's windy out here in Nantucket. You hear various perspectives on your script-in-progress, and they're all truthful because they're real reactions felt by real people whom you admire and respect. It's not always easy to stay on course. You can get lost, or think you've discovered Asia when you're bashing into the Bahamas, or find yourself in irons, feeling rudderless.

How'm I doing? Getting sick yet?

Gimme a second.

There's a compass in writing. A North Star. Let's call it your instinct. Your gut. And although it's well worth harnessing gusts of insight from everyone who's passionate about your work - even when they're blowing in different directions - when you catch that wind that you can ride North - which is over here, by the way, not over there - it's a powerful thing.

I'm feeling it.

Let me guess. You have a note.

I'm mixing metaphors. Sailing? Turbines? Yes, they both use wind, but it's too easy. Lazy, really. Just pick a direction and go with it!

Ah. Welcome to the winds of Nantucket. May I take your order?

See what I did there? Bringing in globalization. This is serious business.

I need to convert this wind into energy, and this energy into pages, and these pages into good pages. Pages that meet the needs of our people for generations to come.

Give me four years. It'll get done.

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